Snowmaggedon and Thin Crust Pizza

Hello Friends!

It’s been way too long since I’ve updated my blog. I’ve been so busy, but that is no excuse! I write to you from my couch right after a delicious and early dinner of the best thin crust pizza. We had a huge snow storm come through this weekend, so what did I do? I cooked, cleaned, and played around on my yoga mat. I’ve been practicing yoga for several years, but just recently I’ve made it a part of my every day life. It feels so good to work towards a goal every day. I feel happier, healthier, and stronger. I’m slowly working towards inversions, starting with the tripod headstand. This past Saturday, we were snowed in, and I was growing restless. I combined pilates, barre, and yoga for an awesome workout and ended with my “almost there” tripod headstand. I’ll get there eventually.


This morning I woke up and felt rested and happy. The world was quiet and calm. Jason had to go into work early today, so I slept in and drowsily read my book until I was ready to leave my cocoon of blankets. I decided I should take a peek out the back door and see how badly my car was covered in snow. I knew it was going to bad, but I was NOT prepared for what I saw.

Snow before

I almost started to cry. However, I knew I had to get this done because Jason would be tired and worn out after having gone into work so early. Luckily a very nice man with a plow on his truck cleared away a lot of what you see behind my car. He took pity on me. I had been at it for about 30 minutes and only cleared a small semi-circle. Another nice man stopped by for a couple minutes and helped me shovel, but he eventually took off as well. I was all on my own and after 4 hours, I had it cleared! This is quite possibly the best workout I’ve had in a long time. My body is tired and wrists are sore but my heart is full and I feel quite accomplished.

Snow after

I spent the next hour practicing yoga and easing my sore muscles. Jason came home shortly after and I know he was pleased that he didn’t have to deal with that mess! An easy dinner was on the menu tonight. Red pepper and onion thin crust pizza.

I buy my crusts pre-made. I always chose organic, whole wheat, non-GMO. I topped this delicious thin crust with a bit of marinara sauce, fresh mozzarella, sliced red pepper and onion, and finely grated pepper jack cheese. I baked it in a 450 degree oven for 10 minutes and it was perfect. I topped it with a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder before serving.

Red pepper and onion pizza

It was perfect! Crunchy, salty, cheesey, and delicious. This pizza warmed us from the inside out and the red wine surely didn’t hurt either!

I hope you all enjoyed your snow day. xoxo.


One thought on “Snowmaggedon and Thin Crust Pizza

  1. Look who’s back in action! I do not envy your Sunday adventure. But I do envy your yoga skills. And you should try a homemade crust – sooooooooooo worth it!


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